Thursday, August 26, 2010

Long Hidden Chin Refugee Detainees Released

Kuala Lumpur: Shing Aung Ling (24) of 9 months in detention center, from Sawng Taung village, Mindat Township Chin State was arrested on 24/11/2009 at Citara a small town while on the way to enter into Malaysia border along with 10 compatriots as he was intentionally forced to go in the front line to check the highway if the border guards were patrolling or not. The rest of his friends were safe because they could run away after knowing his friend was being arrested.
Kee Aung Thang (26) from Mui Ton village from Mindate township Chin state was arrested on 04/01/2010 by UPP wearing plain cloths and put in detention center for 7 months. Similarly, he was on the way to enter into Malaysia along with other six villagers in the beginning of this year.
During the intensive interview with the P.O.C, they are appeared to know that they arrived Ipoh in a group on 01/01/10. It is also learnt that the agent leaved them empty-handed in a small room. Few hours later, the agent came back shortly, he called a cab and told Kee Aung Thang and his two friends to get on- saying that all of you will be sold on fishing boat as your agent in Kuala Lumpur has not paid me the promised agent fee yet. The three men were shifted to another town and slept there for one night. On the next day at 11 am, the agent called them to unknown place where the human traffickers were waiting for them in exchange.
Soon after, the men were carried away by motor-bike toward a deep forest. The nearer they approached the Thai border, Mr. Kee risked his life that he jumped off the motorbike and fled away. He was said he hid in the unfamiliar cane field for two days. He then later decided in the end of hope to see a nearest town or village. But he was rather arrested by UPP on his way.
Agonized and frustrated, Mr. Kee told VOCR that he has not heard any news about his two friends, prompting that they might have been sold onto fishing boat in the border as couple of victims has not appeared until recently.
Both ex-detainees were locked up in Citara police station just the time before transferring them to Balantik camp. It was said the sentencing order was made by the judge then the two arrestees were taken to Pakoksena jail for couple of months to serve their unknowable imprisonment terms. Then they were again shifted to Balantik Camp.
It was later learnt that 30 Chin refugees were already there in Balantik camp by the time the two men were arrived there. The UNHCR protection team was appeared to visit the camp on 19/03/2010 and started interviewing with refugee detainees. Included though their names in the first list, Sing and Kee were later told that their names were missing for the next round of interview on 23/03/2010 which caused them so frustrated and bitter in addition to being daily suffered the tough treatment and the dehydrated food provided in the detention centers.
Actually, in genuine express, the two detainees were recognized as refugee status by UNHCR on 03.06.2010 in the Camp interview and were released on 26.08.2010. Until present, it is the UNHCR system to see the detainee first in order in the detention center or camp and interviewing the P.O.C in order to define the eligibility of refugee status. After all, they could immediately take action on those concerned as is needed for his/her protection respectively.
According to the recent released detainees, the source saying that seven of Chin refugees including a five year old girl with his mother are still remained in that stated Camp. The Chin community body have strongly a great hope on those remained in the Camp and they will be released as soon as possible.

By Simon


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