Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chin Refugees Impeded For Release in Lenggeng Detention Camp

Kuala Lumpur, March 16 (VOCR):  Many of Chin refugee detainees in Lenggeng detention camp are facing the problematic stop and mistreatment by Burman (those with no document) migrant inmates--championing over other national detainees as well, quoted the confirmed source as saying. Dozens of Chin refugees released last week, 9 March reportedly revealed to VOCR that some of them, while met by UNHCR representing team, OPI, came across a hindrance by Burman migrant detainees.
Always, in attempts for refugees detained to release from detention camps, centers and other lockups, UNHCR is only playing the vital role in such effort.
Obviously, it is learnt that the incident is not because of the denial order of detention authority but particularly be the cause of jealousy of Burman migrants. Many in fact should have released, said one of OPI officers, Ro Binda in UNHCR, although the officer from UNHCR had brought recognized recommendations for detainees.

The claim, meanwhile, the Burman detainees grasp is the UNHCR has only a concern for ethnic minority and releasing them when detained, cited the source. With that being said, UNHCR has to do what has been reported to them in place. Over the past few years, source prompted that prison demonstration set off in several detention camps and centers across the Malay Peninsula was solely motivated by these troubled people.

In an interview with recently released Chin refugees, the victims said of the Burman that they are so cruel that we often times experience being mistreated and even denied going out for medical treatment when visited by NGOs. In addition, it is also rumoured that some of Chin refugee detainees, though they were supposed to be released, were hindered and threatened not to go out from their Block (unspecific) of cell in the prison, cited another man who request for anonymity for his security reason.

The ill-treatment, abusive activity (having detainees sit outside the cell under the very hot daylight), deny of medical treatment and intermingling with the diseased like TB and HIV infected, an order to share everything and lack of provision for hygiene among hundreds of detainees in Lenggeng camp at Women Block, catapulted a deep fear to an entirely new level, perhaps threatening to overshadow loss of detainees' lives according to those (ever detained in the said camps) met by VOCR team. 

By Simon


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