Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Kuala Lumpur (VOCR) 31st January: Chin National Day is on February 20 and is a celebration of the will of the Chin people to elect leaders rather than accept Chief tans.  The first Chin National Day was established in the town of Falam near the Mizoram border (in the Chin State of Myanmar) at the end of the conference where these first leaders were elected on the 20th February, 1948.  We are celebrating early here in Imbi, Kuala Lumpur due to the Chinese New Year leading to many Chin refugees having off of work.  

The celebration was kicked off on Saturday morning, January 21 with opening speeches given by local community leaders.  Then the games began! Patrick Sang Bawi Hnin, of the Chin Refugee Center, and Siam Mawi, of the Chin Disciplinary Action Committee, were the senior organizers for this year games which included Football, Men's and Women's Volleyball, and Traditional Chin Wrestling.  The games this year probably brought over 1000 spectators to Imbi periodically over the first week which was more than double from previous years.

The Football tournament is the longest of the three sports lasting over 2 weeks.  The Final Game between HPH (Hakha Peng Fellowship) and Zophei Fellowship will be this Sunday, February 5 at 3:30 pm.  There are sixteen competing teams composed of different villages and some villages combined to make a fellowship.  The other competing teams included Dai, Falam, Kanpalet, Lautu, Mara, Matu, Mindat Cho, Mindat Kaang, Mi-E, Mizo, Paletwa, Senthang, TPF (Thantlang Peng Fellowship), Zo (Tedim), Zophei and Zotung.
The two contestant wrestlers tackling at Chin traditional wrestling (Laipaih) competition.(Photo:VOCR)

In wrestling, the overall champion was the defending champion from last year competition, Hoi Chung.  Wow, wow, wow did he have a mean take down! The club-to-club winner was Hniarlawn who beat the other five teams including:  Hakha, Mi-E, Chuncung, Rulbu, and Khualhringtlang fellowship.  The wrestling tournament lasted two days and drew at least a few hundred people to Imbi Field.  The Chin Traditional Wrestling is a very interesting sport that requires strategy, strength, endurance, and a little weight doesn't hurt!

Woman's volleyball had three competing teams:  HPH (Hakha Peng Fellowship), Zophei Fellowship, and Mara Fellowship.  With the team HPH (Hakha Peng Fellowship) taking the championship.  Men's volleyball was dominated by the Falam, particularly carrying with the name of Hlawnceu taking the championship, Falam fellowship coming in second, and Mara taking third.  There were a total of eight competing teams also including: Hakha, Khual Hring, Lautu, Zotung, and Mizo.

The winners of each Championship Competition were awarded small cash prizes.  One of the goals of the games is to encourage camaraderie amongst the Chin refugees of Kuala Lumpur and surrounding areas.  I think it is a great success.  The masses are bringing good business to the area.  Smiles and excitement are in abundance amongst players, spectators, and organizers!!!  Come out to the final football game this Sunday!  
The football match between two opponent teams going on in the field  ( Photo:VOCR)

Remember the reason of Chin National Day is to enjoy one another and most of all appreciate the initiative of the Chin people to elect their leaders! 

The sole purpose of CND is creating an unforgettable day in the heart of Chins that Chin leaders with one spirit despite a huge cultural diversity are demanding freedom and self-determination from the mainland, Burmese military regime government and freely exercising governing body for the state. 

It is being prepared to prestigiously hold a concert-styled celebration which includes cultural dances and other performances and miss selection in coming 20th of February at FGA (Full Gospel Assembly Church) in Kochai Lama, Selangor.  

Kimberly McNeelan contributed to this reporting.


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